Showing posts with label Database Design. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Database Design. Show all posts

Friday, September 23, 2016

Second Normal Form

  • The outcome of the second step of database normalization – Second Normal Form (2NF)
1. The UID of a library book includes its BOOK number and SHELF number. Does this ERD follow the rules of Second Normal Form? If you spot a violation, correct it.

Sugession: 2NF on shelf. [Assume that a book won’t have multiple author, even if it has we only track major one so, 1NF is not violated their, problem specifically targets 2NF here.]
2. .      Class Enrollment is the intersection entity that resolves the M:M between STUDENT and CLASS. Does the ERD follow the rules of Second Normal Form? If you spot a violation, correct it.


3. A store can be located in several shopping malls, and a shopping mall may house several stores. To locate a particular store in a specific neighborhood, you will need to know the name and address of the nearby shopping mall, plus the name of the store. Does the ERD follow the rules of Second Normal Form? If you spot a violation, correct it.

To locate a store, name and address of mall + store name is needed, then why location is present in store listing entity. Ok, let’s be realistic here, inside mall, where is store? In shop no 100. This is what here location means. I say no harm in storing a location value. Some may argue why location is not in store entity, what if this store has another branch in another mall and it is located in shop no 200 there?
 Now we come to store specialty, this may be the reason why I have this problem here. Store franchises follow exactly same recipes’ and if there is a specialty, then it’s of the whole chain. Since specialty is of store not only the one located in specific mall, I want to move it to Store Entity. 2NF wants specialty to be dependent on Store UID.

Third Normal Form

  • ·         The form of database normalization where all non-key fields are dependent on the key, the whole key, and nothing but the key. - Third Normal Form (3NF)
  • ·         A condition that exists when any attribute in an entity is dependent upon any other non-UID attribute in that entity.- Transitive Dependency

1.      Identify the transitive dependency in the model below. State which attributes violate Third Normal Form.

Store address being dependent on store name, is a transitive dependency and violates 3NF.

2. Define the rule of Third Normal Form.
  • ·         1NF is satisfied by resolving multi-valued attributes.
  • ·         2NF is satisfied by - 1NF  + Each non UID attribute is dependent on the whole UID,
  • ·         #NF is satisfied by - 2NF + there should be no transitive dependency present.

3. A color scheme for a car includes specifications for paint color for the body and the interior colors and materials. For example: The “Desert” color scheme includes silver paint and gray leather interior; the “Sunburst” color scheme includes gold paint and cream leather interior. Does the model below follow the rules of Third Normal Form? If you spot a violation, correct it.


  • ·         Model I choose depend on manufacturer (make) – not all manufacturer make every model.
  • ·         Color scheme available really depends on model I choose to buy.
  • ·         Paint color and interior color depends on color scheme I choose.

  • 1.      A model must have at least one color scheme designed for it
  • 2.      A Color scheme must be created with at least one model in mind.
  • 3.      Once car is manufactured, I can’t change scheme and model of car.

4. Assume the following business rules:
• An athlete employs one agent.
• An agent may work for one or more athletes.
• An athlete may play for one team.
• A team may have one or more players
Does the model below contain one or more transitive dependencies? Identify the attributes involved in the transitive dependencies.

The transitive dependencies identified:
  • ·         Team coach is dependent on team. And if player changes team, coach changes for player, he won't drag his coach with him to new team J
  • Agent commission is dependent on what agent player chooses, if he changes agent, commission may also change (unless agents have a labor union who decides there rates J ). Or if agent revises his commission, 'all the players using him' instances will have to be updated. 

5. Now that you have an idea of what makes a good UID, you need to be aware of the controversy, benefits, and difficulty of uniquely identifying someone. Consider the idea of a national ID card. What kinds of problems would the card create and what kinds of problems would it solve? If your country already uses a national ID card, what are the benefits and issues associated with this? In your opinion, could DNA mapping become the national ID card? Why or why not?

I am more satisfied with the concept of single identity of every person than afraid of. 
Why satisfied:
  • ·         In all government transactions I just need to give SSN and done, say no paper work while getting a new credit card.
  • ·         Say I update my name at one place, ideally it should get propagated everywhere ( in reality it’s not so simple, since theoretically possible in future, so putting here under why satisfied)

Why afraid of:
  • ·         If someone has my SSN, he can even get a credit card that is another story that all credit cards have fraud protections but still…
  • ·         It’s bad for me in a way that, only by knowing SSN they know how many payments of credit card I missed ( I didn’t do it intentionally J )

DNA thing is a good idea but we are far way behind as of today. It won’t be an artificial UID like SSN but costly to collect this data as of today.

Normalization and First Normal Form

  • ·         The outcome of the first step of database normalization. 1NF eliminates repeating groups by putting each into a separate table and connecting them with a 1:M relationship – First Normal Form ( 1NF)
  • ·         A series of steps followed to obtain a database design that allows for efficient access and storage of data in a relational database. These steps reduce data redundancy and the chances of data be-coming inconsistent. - Normalization

1. When checking a database model for first normal form, what are you doing exactly?
Check entities for multi-valued attributes. Verifying that each entity contains attributes that are appropriate for it; insuring that the entity has a UID; checking each attribute against its UID and verifying that the attribute only contains a single value.

2. What is the rule of 1NF in the normalization process?
First Normal Form requires that there be no multi-valued attributes and no repeating groups. To check for First Normal Form, validate that each attribute has a single value for each instance of the entity.
  • ·         identify the related data parts (attributes) and place them together in one entity; if multiple entities exist, attributes should be listed one time only and in the best possible location
  • ·         identify the UID of the entity
  • ·         remove any attribute that contains repeating groups (multiple values) and place it in its own entity; create a 1:M relationship between the two entities

3. Check to see if each ERD is in 1NF. If not, make the necessary changes to correct it.

Suggestion: passenger is multi-valued. A passenger rides a bus, he comes out of bus and go in another bus, at same time he is in single bus. (I don’t see passenger must ride bus, he may ride anything else too, so dotted on passenger side also)


Suggestion: dormitory may have multiple residents. Resident may live in dormitory or something special. Dormitory has multiple beds to accommodate many residents.


Suggestion: 1NF OK here.


UIDs and Normalization

  • ·         Unique identifier - UID
  • ·         A UID that is a single attribute. -  Simple UID
  • ·         A UID that is a combination of attributes. – Composite UID
  • ·         A UID that does not occur in the natural world but is created for identification purposes in a system. – Artificial UID
  • ·         One of several UIDs that could identify something. – Candidate UID
  • ·         A candidate UID that is the primary identifier of something. Primary UID
  • ·         A candidate UID that also identifies something, but is not the primary UID. – Secondary UID

1. Match the type of Unique Identifier to the entity.
a. Simple UID

b. Composite UID
c. Composite UID comprising an attribute and a relationship

d. Primary Key & Secondary Key

2. Consider an entity for Library Member. Sometimes an entity can have more than one candidate UID. Describe a scenario where you would want more than one candidate UID for a Library Member – why would you want to find the member in the database using alternative information?
In libraries here, we are issued a library card with unique member ID on it, but it is quite possible that, I lose my library card. But when we open library card, they took our address, name, email address and phone no.  With same address there could be multiple family members joining the same library system. Two members may have same name. But email address or mobile no should be sufficient to identify a person, so two secondary UID’s [candidate UID which is not marked primary] are Mobile no, email address.

3. Describe how you would identify the entities listed below, making up any attributes and relationships you consider appropriate. For example, for the Student entity you may say that the UID is comprised of the first name, last name, and address. Or you might suggest that the Student entity contains an artificial UID called student number.

a. A city
In final design, we may observe Hierarchal relationship, rather than city and country names stored in the same Entity. Like, #CityId and a barred relationship from State Entity making a composite UID

b. A contact person for a customer

c. A train
It’s artificial UID. I am not using factors like routes, start point, end point here, because I may want to run different trains on same routes on different days and timings. So schedule entity may use route and train from two entities.

d. A road
I never saw two roads in the same city which have same name.

e. A financial transaction (for example: transfer funds)
In final design, there may be an artificial UID to identify transaction and nontransferable relationships from sender bank account and receiver bank account Entities, with amount marked mandatory. Sender and receiver bank accounts Entities will have barred relationships with bank entity.

f. An award (for example: movies)
AwardId is artificial UID here.
AwardId from AWARD Entity,  PersonId from PERSON Entity and year make UID for DISTRIBUTION Entity.

g. A painting
#AuthorId from Author Entity as non-transferrable barred relationship.

4. Identify one of the issues with respect to a national identification system. Provide your point of view on the issue.
They use our SSN as UID. Its artificial UID, what if you know my SSN, think what all things you could do!!! It’s not profiling of my speech, not my fingerprint and not my eyes.

5. You have previously reviewed the video store business requirements stated below:
“I’m the owner of a small movie hire store. We have over 3,000 DVDs that we need to keep track of.
“Each of our DVDs has a disk number. For each movie, we need to know its title and category (e.g., comedy, suspense, drama, action, war, or sci-fi). Yes, we do have multiple copies of many of our movies. We give each movie a specific ID, and then we track which movie a disk contains. A disk may be either High Definition (HD) or BlueRay format. We always have at least one disk for each movie we track, and each disk is always a copy of a single, specific movie. Our disks are very big, although we don’t have any movies that require multiple disks.”
For this activity read the new business requirements below and resolve the M:M relationship. Identify UIDs for all the entities that require multiple disks.
“We are frequently asked for movies starring specific actors. John Wayne and Kathe-rine Hepburn are always popular. So we’d like to keep track of the star actors appearing in each movie. Not all of our movies have star actors. Customers like to know each actor’s “real” birth name and date of birth. We track only actors who appear in the movies in our inventory.
“We have lots of customers. We only rent DVDs to people who have joined our DVD club. To belong to our club, they must have good credit. For each club member, we’d like to keep the first and last name, current phone number, and current address. And, of course, each club member has a membership number.
“Then we need to keep track of what DVDs each customer currently has checked out. A customer may check out multiple DVDs at any given time. We just track current rentals. We don’t keep track of any rental histories.
  • ·         we’d like to:: I consider this not mandatory, real name may be different than popular name, but unknown. DOB of actor may be unknown.
  • ·         we’d like : I consider this must, because I am giving my property to the person. So while giving club membership, I will take all these details.
  • ·         Actors who don’t appear in a movie coming up in future/already in stock: We don’t track ( so solid line in purple ‘Present  in’ in diagram). Also, there may be a low budget  movie which don’t have any star actor which we want to track ( so dotted line in purple ‘performed by’ in diagram).
  • ·         I may have a movie, for which I don’t have a media available, but it is coming in stock, say tomorrow. If you want to reject this assumption, please consider pink dotted line in below diagram as solid.
  • ·         I assume that a movie belongs to only one category and must be under one category; for special movies, others is one instance of category Entity.
  • ·         Under IssueLog, I may have put a composite UID on mediaInventoryNumber, ClubmemberId and IssueTime. But, I have chosen artificial UID here a separate IssueLogId.
  • ·         Even though problem says, ‘Issue time’, ‘issued till’ and ‘is returned’ is not required here, simply delete the row in issue log on return, but it doesn’t make sense in real world, if you want to stick to what problem says, I don’t even need ISSUELOG Entity, Simply create a  relationship b/w MEDIA and Clubmember will be sufficient, optional on Media side (dotted on media side because my all movies are not out at all times J), many on media side ( crowfoot on media side since a customer may take multiple movies), optional on clubmember side ( dotted on clubmemberside, may take ‘not must’), single tow on clubmemberside ( a media instance cannot be taken by multiple customer instances at same time).
  • ·         Here we don’t track disk number but InventoryNumber,  an inventory may have multiple disks. But all media under same inventory number have same format, so no worries. And it won’t be rented partiallyJ.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Understanding CRUD Requirements

  • ·         One who gives expert or professional advice - consultant
  • ·         The practice of checking a data model for create, retrieve, update and delete functions that the business requires – CRUD analysis
  • ·         Used to perform calculations on data, modify individual data items, manipulate output for groups of rows, format dates and numbers for display, convert column datatypes. - functions
  • ·         No longer in use - obsolete

1. Identify the part of the CRUD analysis that best suits the task in the table.
• Create
• Retrieve
• Update
• Delete
Bring up
Look up

2. Relate CRUD analysis to a school enrollment environment. Consider the data or information used in a school and identify at least one example for each CRUD function.
a. Create:
Student enrolls in a subject, and enrollment details are saved in DB.
b. Retrieve:
Student logs in blackboard on first day of session, and he can see all the courses he enrolled to on home page.
c. Update:
Student goes to myPortal and gives a new mobile number since he took a new mobile with new number.
d. Delete:
Student no longer wants his parents to see his scores are report card. So, he goes to myPortal and removes the authorization.

Resolving Many-to-Many Relationships

  • ·         A relationship that participates in an entity's unique identifier. – barred relationship
  • ·         The product of the resolution of a many to many relationship. – intersection entity

1.      Resolve the M:M between TEACHER and CLASS as well as INTERPRETER and LANGUAGE. 
For each intersection entity, think of additional attributes like a UID.

For intersection entity InterpreterLanguageMap, interpreterId from teacher entity and languageId from class entity make unique identifier.

Relationship Types

  • ·         A relationship where each record in Table A can be related to one, and only one, record in Table B, and each record in Table B relates to one, and only one, record in Table A. 1:1
  • ·         A relationship where a single record in Table A can be related to one or more records in Table B, but a single record in Table B can only be related to one record in Table A. 1:M
  • ·         A relationship in which many records in one table match many records in another table. M:M
  • ·         Unnecessarily repetitive. - redundant

1. Identify the relationship types of the statements below
A snowboard instructor may instruct one or more snowboarders. Not mentioned: All snowboarders are not bound to use same instructor
A bicycle may be owned by a child. Not mentioned:  One bicycle will have only one owner, but a child can own multiple bicycles.
Classroom crayons may be used by students in a classroom
A passport belongs to a person. Not mentioned: ignore expired passports
A female elephant gives birth to an elephant. No mentioned: an elephant has one and only mother, but female elephant can give birth to multiple elephants.

2. Provide two examples for each relationship type.
Relationship Type
 I have only one SSN  XXXXXXXXX and XXXXXXXXX belongs only to me
  I have a unique valid driver license number, this number cannot be assigned to anyone else.
A bicycle may be owned by a child, child may own multiple bicycles.
 I have three passports, two are expired, and the current one is valid. But the passport, whether it is valid or not, must be of one person.
 Classroom crayons may be used by students in a classroom
 In my house there are 10 laptops and 4 family members, anyone can use any laptop and any laptop can be used by any family member.

3. Draw an entity relationship diagram to represent the following:
a. Each CLUB must be assigned to one and only one DEPARTMENT
b. Each DEPARTMENT may be responsible for one or more CLUBs
c. Each STUDENT may join one or more CLUBs
d. Each CLUB may be composed of one or more STUDENTs